In earlier times, if we had any kind of information, then we either used to search in the books or asked an experienced person, then only we could get the answer to our questions. But today it is not so, today with the help of the internet we can get information about questions from all over the world in seconds. It is possible for us to get information from the Internet because of the web server.
In today’s article, we will learn about what is a web server. So if you also want to know what is a web server, how a web server works, how many types of web servers are there, what is the utility of a web server, and what are examples of web servers then you can read this article completely in it. Complete information is given.
What is a Web Server?
A web server is a type of computer program whose job is to provide the user with the information it has searched for. As the name suggests, you must be able to understand that the server means that to serve means to distribute. A web server is a huge database on which an infinite number of web pages are uploaded and when a user searches for any information by going to a search engine. Then the web server shows the correct information related to it in its database i.e. web pages in front of the user, in which the users are able to get information according to their interest.
There are two types of web servers, first the mechanical part i.e. the hardware part and the second is the software part, which acts like a web server. The computer through which web pages are sent is called a web server.
Any computer can be made a web server if it has server software installed and that computer is connected live to the Internet. Nowadays there are many such web server applications on the Internet that provide domain and hosting like a web server on the Internet.
Working Process of Web Server
In today’s time, it has become very easy to know about anything. Nowadays, whether it is the smallest or the biggest, information about everything is available in seconds. When we need any information, then we open our mobile or computer browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Bing. And put the thing you want to know about it and search for it. Whatever type of information is required, is shown to you by the web server.
The exchange of data between the web server and the browser takes place in a matter of seconds. As soon as we do some search in our browser, the browser sends that data to the web server under Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), then from there the web server finds the webpages related to your asked topic and sends them to the web server browser. Then the browser shows you the same web page. In some circumstances, there are some topics about which any kind of web page has not been uploaded on the web server, in that case, web browser shows you an error like 404.
Types of Web Servers
There are mainly four types of web servers, which are explained in detail respectively –
Apache Web Server
Internet Information Services
LiteSpeed web server
Nginx Web Server
Let us now know about all these web servers one by one –
1. Apache Web Server
Apache web server is an open-source web server that can be customized by the user. It is one of the world’s famous web server rooms built by the Apache Software Foundation. This web server is capable of running more than 60% of the world’s operating systems like Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS, etc.
2. IIS Web Server (Internet Information Services)
This web server is a closed-source software developed by the Microsoft team i.e. its source code is not publicly open. Due to this, no developer can change its code. The Internet Information Services web browser has much of the same functionality as the Apache web browser. Internet Information Services web server is capable of running only a few operating systems such as Windows operating system, and Mac operating system.
3. Light Speed Web Server
As the name of this web server suggests, it is very fast to run. Its name is such that it is the fourth most famous and fastest-performing web server in the world. It is mostly used for commercial purposes.
4. Nginx Web Server
This web server also works like the Apache web server and in the same way it is open-source software. This web server is mainly famous for its best performance, easy customization, and low resources. This web server does not pass the data requested by the browser through RAID. Rather it has its own Driven Architecture to transfer the data.
Features of Web Server
HTTP – HTTP is a type of protocol whose main function is to make a connection between the client and the server. With the help of HTTP, hypertext files are transferred from one place to another by the Internet or it can be said that it is possible to send data through the World Wide Web only through HTTP. The full name of HTTP is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Logging – The web server keeps the client’s IP and the information asked by it in its weblog, due to which the web server quickly understands the need of its client, and the web server provides the same information to the client.
Both these features are very useful and are found in almost all web servers. Apart from these, the web server may also have some more important features, such as –
HTTPS (HTTPS) – You can call HTTPS a secure format of HTTPS, we port from HTTPS 80 while HTTPS connects the web server to the more secure port 443.
Verification – The username and password are verified by the web server before allowing any website resource to be accessed.
Bandwidth Saver – When a client requests a large file, the web server reaches the client by reducing the size of the file to save bandwidth. Due to this, even if there are more users on the server, the server is saved from being down.
Virtual Hosting – With the help of the virtual hosting of a web server, many websites can be served simultaneously by the same IP address. Due to this, the saver does not get down quickly and the information reaches the user faster.
Benefits of Web Server
The benefits of web servers are immense which is why the use of web servers is increasing so much. Let us know about the advantages of web servers:
I. Security
The web server provides the user with a secure environment while surfing the Internet. The web browser uses the standard port 443 of HTTPS instead of the normal port of HTTP and provides secure and authenticated data access to the user.
II. Ease of finding information
With the help of a web server, we can find any type of information on the internet, so that the user can get information about his queries at his convenience with the help of a browser from the web server.
III. Log in
The web server also allows the login master to download and upload large files while surfing the internet, and at the same time, the webmaster can collect data from the web server.
IV. Easy Activities
If a user wants to configure the log files present in the web server then he can easily go for it. Configuring web files opens the way for analyzing the operating system and web traffic.
V. Downloading Capacity
If you keep a website on which such knowledge is provided that a large number of people like to download, then web servers can prove to be very beneficial for you. Bandwidth is very important for any downloading website, if your site uses a web server, then the bandwidth restriction will be less for you. Using a web server also works to improve the speed of the website.
Disadvantages of Web Server
Along with the advantages of a web server, there are also some disadvantages to using it. Let us know in detail about the disadvantages of the web server:
i. High Price
If we talk about the cost of a web server, then it is much higher than electronic web hosting. To use the web server, the user has to take monthly plans which can be quite costly for different web servers.
ii. Inconvenience
Most of the people use web servers because of their convenience but you get the benefit from web servers according to the type of website. If you have an online site then it is beneficial for you to use a webserver, otherwise not.
iii. Insecurities
Using a web server can sometimes bring us security-related issues. Some web servers are such that they also allow HTTP traffic, which can have an impact on security. That’s why it is important that you choose the web server that allows only or most of the HTTPS traffic.
iv. High Traffic
As we know that the amount of traffic on the website using a web server is high, due to which the load on it is also high. Sometimes your website can be down due to high traffic. Examples of Web Servers – Examples of Web Servers
Apache Web Server, Internet Information Web Server, Lightspeed Web Server, Nginx, etc. are examples of web servers that we use for surfing the Internet.
Uses of Web Server
Web servers are important for many functions for us, we just need to know how it works. Let us know about the use of a web server.
The main function of a web server is to manage the postings of websites on the Internet and to exchange data.
The web server develops a file transfer protocol for the free downloading and uploading of data.
The web server is helpful in solving the problems faced in hosting the website.
The default file or default file is determined by the web server itself.
The main job of the web server is to accept the requests of different people and to deliver the information to the people connected to the internet.
The main function of a web server in any web hosting service is to protect and preserve the data of all websites.
In today’s era of technology, most people use computers, and before buying a computer, see its feature, and which processor is installed in it. But even today there are many people who do not know what a processor is, so for your information, let me tell you that a processor is the same type of chip, which is connected to the motherboard, the work you do in the computer. It is the work of the processor to complete it.
Whenever you input something into the computer, then the computer tells the processor that it should be ready for that work. What is a Processor: If you explain it in easy language, then it is a chip installed inside any computer or mobile. When you run an application on a computer or mobile, its functions are controlled by the processor itself.
Today I am going to tell you all the important information related to the processor through this post, in which you will know about What is Processor, how many types of processors are there (Type of Processors), and what is its function, about all these in detail. Will know
What is Processor?
A processor is a circuit board inside the computer, which is like a chip and is connected to the motherboard. The processor itself controls all the arithmetic, logical, input-output, and other operations of the computer. It processes the instructions given by the computer. It is also known as the CPU or brain of the computer.
If you run an application on the computer, then most of the functions that occur in it are controlled by your processor.
A processor is made up of four basic elements, which are as follows:
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
FLU (Floating Point Unit)
Cash Memory
In which ALU and FLU perform basic and advanced arithmetic and logical operations. The results are then sent to the register, which also stores the instructions. Cache memory stores a copy of the user data, which acts like RAM.
History of Processor
The processor was first invented by the Intel Company in the year 1971 by three Intel Engineers Federico Faggin, Ted Hoff, and Stan Mazo, a single-chip processor, the size of which was much larger than the currently available processor. Over time, new processors have been invented and Intel has provided processors with less size and more capacity keeping in mind the needs of the consumers.
How Processor Works
The processor works on four operations in the computer:
Fatch: In this, the processor receives instructions through RAM (Random Access Memory).
Decode: Converts the commands and instructions given by us into binary language because the computer understands only binary language, and then decodes those instructions or data one by one.
Execute: In this process, the computer executes all the decoded instructions, and all these instructions are sent to other parts of the processor for execution as well. After this, the CPU Register keeps all those edited instructions safe and finally displays them on the screen to the user.
If you explain in simple language, then whatever command you give on your computer or mobile, the processor executes them, the faster the processor of your computer, the faster will be Multitasking, Gaming, and Video Editing, the work of the processor is that. Whatever work you give, give it to your computer.
What is Core in Processor
The speed of the processor depends on the core itself. The Core itself shows the capability or efficiency of the computer. If the processor has a single core in the CPU, then it will be able to do one job well at a time and if the processor has more than one core in the CPU, then your system or computer can do more than one work at the same time, that too good speed. with. Nowadays, keeping in mind the demand of time and work, multiple core processors are used in the CPU so that the computer can do more than one work at the same time easily and with good speed.
Types of Processors
There are different types of processors in a computer:
Dual Core Processor (It has two cores)
Quad Core Processor (It has four cores)
Hexa Core Processor (It has six cores)
Octa Core Processor (It has eight cores)
Deca Core Processor (contains ten cores)
Intel and AMD processors are more prevalent in the market at present.
You have learned in this article what is a processor, in this post I told you what is a processor.
I hope that I have given you complete information about the types of processors. And share it as much as you can on social media and also tell your friends about the work of the processor so that they also know about its information.
If you have any doubts about our post or you want to ask something related to this post, then you can ask us by commenting in the comment box, we will solve your problem and doubts, and we will be happy to solve your problem.
The logo is the primary mark of any company or brand and its purpose is not only to give shape to the name of the brand. Designing a logo takes a lot of research and effort. In today’s time, the demand for good logo designers has increased a lot, because it is only a logo designer who gives identity to a company. That is why in today’s post we will talk about how to make a logo and how to design good quality and attractive logos. We have brought information about the things that have to be taken care of to design a good and high-quality logo for you.
Any logo is the first impression of a company. The design and visualization of the logo have a great impact on the general public and enhance the prestige of the company. This also gives an idea of the company’s standards. A logo can be made into many shapes or sizes; Like a square, round, triangle, rectangle shape, 3D shapes, etc. Choose a size imagining the type of logo you want for your brand.
How to Make a Logo – 6 Tips to Design the Best Logo
If you also want to make or make a similar logo for your company so that the standard of your company will increase, it will have a good impact on the public and consumers, then for this, you can follow some important tips given below. . Here are 6 key tips:
1. Make Your Design Unique
A logo is the identity of any brand that distinguishes that brand from others. That’s why it is important that your logo should be different and unique from other brands, which can give you a different identity in the market. While keeping your design unique and amazing, make it true and real. It shouldn’t look like any other logo. You can take the help of online websites to know the originality of your logo or to check its plagiarism.
2. Understand your brand and its motto
Your brand logo introduces your products and services to consumers. So it is important that the design of your logo should be such that reflects the motto of your brand and company. It is not important that if you make a laptop then your logo should include the image of a laptop or computer or if you make a car then your logo should include the image of the car. Like Mercedes logo is not a car but it shows a theme and motto.
3. Choose the color of the logo design wisely
After choosing the shape of your logo and its theme, you have to choose the right color for it. There can be many reasons for choosing a color for a logo, such as the personality of the brand, the theme of the motto, the sentiments of the company, etc. For example, the red color symbolizes energy and love and the yellow color symbolizes hope and innovation. If your logo is made wonderful, genuine, and attractive and if it has the best color then it is like icing on gold.
4. Logo Design Type
A logo design may either contain a word symbol such as Dell, Samsung, etc., or simply a symbol such as Audi, Apple, Mercedes, etc.
It is up to you what you choose. If your brand or company name is common, which means that there are other brands of the same name in the market, then we suggest that you create a mark that does not include your brand name. And if your brand name is unique like Dell, LLOYD, etc then you can make your wordmark as the logo with some design mix.
5. Keep your logo design flexible and simple
In today’s digital age logo may be needed at any time. For this, you should keep a raw file of your logo ready so that you can make small changes to it anytime like its color and size. On digital platforms, it is necessary that you deliver the best thing.
6. Don’t be happy with just one design
Your logo sets you apart from other brands in the market, so don’t be satisfied with just one design. You must try and make three to four designs so that you can choose the best logo for yourself and your company. This will give you “out of the box” and will make you think. It may be that you like one of the three designs best or it may also be that you want to make some changes to the design that you like. So choose a good logo for your company in different ways.
in short
All the companies that are there in the world definitely have their own unique logo and which is the main attraction. Only after seeing that logo do people identify the company. Similarly, today business is flourishing a lot in the outside world as well as in the internet world. Today, through this post, we learned how to make a logo and what things are necessary to make a logo, and by following these you can make a good quality logo.
SMPS is used in many things such as computers, fridges, Microwaves Oven, Dvd Players, and Dth, etc., in simple language, SMPS is used in electronic things.
“SMPS Full Form – Switch Mode Power Supply”
All these electronic devices work on the voltage of 220 to 240, if we talk about the SMPS of the computer, then if the power supply of 240 voltage is given directly to the computer board, then it will burn and its board will get damaged.
To avoid all these troubles and losses, a system was designed so that after supplying 220 or 240 volts, it can be divided into different voltages and sent to different parts. We call it SMPS.
So you know the definition of SMPS, now we will know.
SMPS Block Diagram
You will easily understand what SMPS is through SMPS Block Diagram. That’s why we have told SMPS Block Diagram below for you.
Block Diagram of SMPS
Have you ever thought that why SMPS is necessary?
Why SMPS is important?
SMPS Power Supply is very important for all our Electronic Devices, the biggest advantage of SMPS is that SMPS easily fulfills the shortfall of low power, along with it it is not big like a transformer but it is small and light. Also, SMPS are less hot.
SMPS power supply is a system through which we supply power to our electronic devices. Through Switch Mode Power Supply, we can save your Electronic Devices from getting damaged and can provide security to them, so SMPS is a very important system for us.
SMPS price is different according to a different company. You will know the SMPS price according to its company.
Have you ever thought about how it works?
So let’s find out.
SMPS Working
Different SMPS work in different ways but we are telling you about a normal SMPS which converts Ac to Dc.
Functionality of SMPS
First of all, Alternate Current (Ac) comes to the SMPS through Power Cable which properly analyzes the components inside the SMPS like the Fuse and Pf Rectifier Current, and checks the voltage.
After that the current is sent to the Rectifier, and the Rectifier performs operations from 120 V. to 230 V. at a time. The rectifier produces a much higher amount of DC current than the AC current and this current is sent to the capacitor. All this current is in the form of small pulses, all these pulses have a lot of energy.
The Direct Current (Dc) is then checked by a regulation process and measured by a reference voltage. Which matches the power according to the design and safety requirements and to prevent any kind of disturbance and voltage failure, a controller is installed in it.
So this is how SMPS works and what are its functions, we know next.
How SMPS Works?
Friends, it is most important to know what does SMPS work? SMPS Voltage
SMPS Use In Computer: If we talk about the SMPS used in the computer, then that SMPS Voltage serves to transmit different Voltage to our Mother-board, such as giving different Voltages to Rem (Ram) Give different Voltage to Processor And to give a different voltage to the fan used inside the computer.
If we talk in the language of electronics, then the Karya Power (Voltage) of SMPS has to be divided, if we give Ac (Alternative Current) Voltage in the input, converting it into SMPS Dc (Direct Current) Voltage, we have as Output. gives.
Friends, SMPS is not of the same type, it also has different types.
मेरो अनुभवमा नेपालमा स्नातक तहको अध्ययनका लागि नेपालका विश्वविद्यालयहरुले बिभिन्न नामका सूचना प्रविधीका पाठ्यक्रमहरु उपलब्ध गराइरहेका छन् । जस्तैः बि.सि.ए., बि.आई.टी., बि.आई.एम., बि.एस्सी. कम्प्युटर साइन्स, बि.एस्सी. कम्प्युटर साइन्स एण्ड आई.टी., बि.सि.आई.एस., बि.ई. कम्प्युटर, बि.ई. आई.टी., बि.ई. सफ्टवेयर ईन्जिनियरिङ्ग आदी ।
सूचना प्रविधीको क्षेत्रमा कुन विश्वविद्यालय, कुन पाठ्यक्रम भन्नुभन्दा सिपको मुल्याङ्कन बढी हुने हुँदा आफूले गर्न चाहेको के हो र आफ्नो उद्देश्य के हो भन्ने कुरामा सचेत हुनु जरुरी छ । आफ्नो उद्देश्य पुर्तीका लागि हामीले रोजेको कोर्समा उपयुक्त पाठ्यक्रम उपलब्ध छ छैन भन्ने कुरामा विश्वस्त हुनु जरुरी छ । पाठ्यक्रममा बिषयका नाम उस्तै देखिए पनि त्यसमा प्रयोगात्मक भार कति छ र त्यसको बिषयगत गहिराई कति छ र पाठ्यक्रम योजनाबद्ध छ कि छैन भन्ने हेर्नु पनि जरुरी छ । कुन पाठ्यक्रमले हामीलाई कस्तो पेशामा प्रवेश गराउँछ र उक्त पेशामा त्यसले पछिसम्म पार्ने प्रभाव के हो भन्ने पनि बुझ्नु जरुरी छ । दश जोड दुईमा कम्प्युटर विज्ञान पढ्दैमा हामीले सूचना प्रविधीको अध्ययन गर्न पाउँछौ भन्ने सुनुश्चितता गर्न सकिदैंन । देश वा विदेशमा उपलब्ध केहि शैक्षिक कार्यक्रमका लागि दश जोड दुईमा विज्ञान विषय लिएर पढेकै हुनुपर्ने वाध्यता छ । तर नेपालमा हामीले जुनसुकै संकायबाट दश जोड दुई वा समकक्षी योग्यता हासिल गरेका विद्यार्थीहरुले बि.सि.ए. कार्यक्रममा भर्ना भई सूचना प्रविधीको अध्ययन गर्न पाउने व्यवस्था छ । कम्प्युटर विज्ञानलाई पूर्णरुपमा सूचना प्रविधीसँग जोडेर हेर्न मिल्दैन भन्ने तथ्यलाई पनि मध्यनजर गर्नुपर्दछ ।
सिधै कलेजमा पुगेर त्यहाँ उपलब्ध भएका कार्यक्रमहरुका बारेमा बुझ्नुभन्दा पहिले अन्य माध्यमद्वारा त्यस सम्बन्धमा जानकारी लिई आफूलाई उचित लागेको र वैधता कायम भएको कार्यक्रममा भर्ना भई अध्ययन गर्नु राम्रो हुन्छ । कलेजका विषयमा त्यस कलेजले प्रदान गर्ने सुविधा, उपलब्ध विज्ञ/शिक्षक/प्राध्यापकहरु, कलेजबाट दिक्षित हुँदै गरेका विद्यार्थीहरुले हासिल गरेका उपलब्धीहरु, त्यस कलेजमा उपलब्ध प्रयोगशाला, श्रोत र साधनहरु लगायत त्यस कलेजको अन्तराष्ट्रिय मुल्य तथा मान्यताको विषयमा पनि हेर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । साथमा आफूले पढ्न चाहेको विषयको क्रेडिट र त्यसको अन्तराष्ट्रिय समकक्षताको बारेमा के व्यवस्था छ भन्ने पनि हेर्नुपर्दछ । उक्त विषयको प्रयोगात्मक भार र विषयगत उपयोगिता तथा प्रायः अन्तिम सेमेष्टरमा पढाई हुने ऐच्छिक विषयको उपलब्धताको बारेमा पनि उत्तिकै जानकार हुनुपर्दछ ।
यदि तपाईंलाई सूचना प्रविधीको क्षेत्रमा वेब तथा कम्प्युटर प्रोग्रामर, नेटवर्क विषेषज्ञ, डाटावेश विषेषज्ञ, सिस्टम अनालिष्ट, सफ्टवेयर टेष्टर, नेटवर्क सेक्युरिटी विषेषज्ञ, सफ्टवेयर डिजाइनर, नेटवर्क व्यवस्थापक, सूचना प्रविधी विश्लेषण सम्बन्धि क्षेत्रमा आफ्नो भविष्य निर्धारण गर्ने लक्ष्य छ भने निश्चयनै बि.सि.ए. को पाठ्यक्रम उपयुक्त हुन्छ । तपाईंलाई थप रुपमा आर्टिफिसियल ईन्टेलिजेन्स, ईमेज प्रोसेसिङ, रोबोटिक्स, डाटा कम्युनिकेसन, डाटा माइनिङ आदि क्षेत्रमा अवसर चाहनुहुन्छ भने पनि बि.सि.ए. को पाठ्यक्रम उचित हुनसक्छ । उल्लेखित बाहेक सूचना प्रविधीमा अन्य धेरै क्षेत्रहरू छन्, जसको सहज उपयोग तथा पहुँचका लागि तपाईंलाई बि.सि.ए.का पाठ्यक्रमले सुनौला ढोका उघारिदिनेछन् । आज विश्व सूचना प्रविधीको विश्लेषण गर्ने हो भने बि.सि.ए. पाठ्यक्रम पढेका विद्यार्थीहरुको नेपाल लगायत भारत तथा विश्वका अन्य मुलुकहरुमा उच्च माग हुनुले यसको पुष्टी पनि गर्दछ ।
त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयद्वारा सञ्चालित बि.सि.ए. यस्तो पाठ्यक्रम हो, जुन समय-सापेक्ष किसिमले बजारको नयाँ आवश्यकतालाई पूर्ति गर्ने हिसाबले सिघ्र परिमार्जित भइरहन्छ। विश्व बजारको बढ्दो मागलाई ध्यानमा राखेर बि.सि.ए. कार्यक्रमलाई सेमेष्टर प्रणालीमा आधारित चार वर्षे बनाईएको छ भने, बि.सि.ए.को पाठ्यक्रममा हरेक सेमेष्टरमा अनिवार्य प्रयोगात्मक कक्षाको व्यवस्था गरिएकोले पठन-पाठनका क्रममा पढिएको विषयको वास्तविक जिवनमा उपादेयता के हो भनेर बुझाउने गर्दछ । सो बाहेक पनि विद्यार्थीको लागि आवश्यक सेमेष्टर प्रोजेक्ट पनि समावेश गरिएको यो कार्यक्रममा प्रविधिको उचित प्रयोग गरि आफ्नो कौशल देखाउनुपर्ने हुन्छ जसले गर्दा हाम्रो सफ्टवेयर बनाउने क्षमता, त्यसको डकुमेन्टेसन (रिपोर्ट) र प्रेजेन्टेसनले गर्दा धेरै हदसम्म विद्यार्थीको क्षमता अभिवृद्धी गर्दछ । ईन्टर्नसीपमा तपाईंले जुन संस्थामा ईन्टर्न गरिरहुनुभएको छ उसले प्रयोग गर्ने प्रविधि र संस्थागत आचरण लगायत परियोजनामा संलग्न बिभिन्न व्यक्तिहरुले सामुहिक रुपमा कसरी काम गर्दछन् भन्ने ज्ञान प्राप्त हुन्छ । करिब १२० घण्टा क्रेडिटको भार पढ्नुपर्ने यी दुवै कोर्समा पहिलो दुई सेमेष्टरमा सूचना प्रविधीको सुरुवाती तथा अनिवार्य ज्ञान दिईन्छ भने तेस्रो सेमेष्टरदेखि सूचना प्रविधीको भित्री अत्यावश्यक ज्ञानको पठनपाठन हुन्छ । अन्तिम दुई सेमेष्टरमा ऐच्छिक विषय (विशेषज्ञता)को पनि व्यवस्था गरिएको हुनाले पनि देश तथा विदेशमा प्राध्यापक तथा अनुसन्धान केन्द्रहरुले बि.सि.ए. अध्ययन गरेका बिद्यार्थीहरुलाई विशेष प्राथमिकता दिनुले पनि पुष्टी गर्दछ ।
बजारमा हाल उच्च माग देखिएको मोबाईल टेक्नोलोजी (आई.ओ.एस. तथा एण्ड्रोइड मोबाईल एप्लिकेशन) डेभलपमेन्ट पनि समेटी सकेको बि.सि.ए. कोर्स बजार प्रतिस्पर्धि छ भन्ने कुरा बिभिन्न बिश्लेषणहरुले देखाइसकेका छन् ।
यदि तपाईंले बि.सि.ए. पढ्ने मानसिकता बनाइसक्नुभएको छ भने अब तपाईंले पढ्न चाहेको कलेजसँग उपर्युक्त पुस्तकालय, कम्प्युटर ल्याब, दक्ष अध्यापक तथा अन्य भौतिक पूर्वाधार छन् कि छैनन् भन्ने बुझ्नु अति जरुरी छ । कलेजको बजारमा सामाजिक सम्बन्ध तथा भइरहेका सूचना प्रविधी सम्बन्धि प्रतियोगिता, सेमिनार, वर्कसप तथा अन्य कार्यक्रममा रहने सहभागिताको पनि ठूलो अर्थ रहन्छ । देखावटी सजावटमा भन्दा सुविधामा केन्द्रित हुनपर्ने मानसिकता बनाई कुनै कलेजले कतिवटा पुस्तक दिन्छ र उसको पुस्तकालयमा कतिवटा पुस्तक छ भन्नुभन्दा पाठ्यक्रमले निर्धारण गरेका र आवश्यक पाठ्यपुस्तक छ वा छैन हेर्नुपर्दछ । कोर्स भन्दा पछाडी आवश्यक पर्ने अतिरिक्त ज्ञान उपलब्ध गराउन सक्ने पुस्तकको उपलब्धता पनि हेर्नुपर्दछ ।